The current year 2022 will go down in history not only as a year of significant foreign policy changes, but also as a truly revolutionary year for the cryptocurrency industry. An unpredictable event happened: the Tanaverus company revealed to the “urbi et orbi” its breakthrough Data hash generating P9880 protocol, which is capable of carrying out an operation that was absolutely unthinkable yesterday to return the cryptocurrency after the transaction.
What exactly does Data hash generating P9880 do
The Data hash generating P9880 protocol is a multi-tasking system capable of effectively solving a number of issues. Nevertheless, the most interesting from a general point of view is precisely the possibility of returning and redirecting cryptocurrencies.
Technical details of the Data hash generating P9880 are not advertised. The protocol is currently exclusive to Tanaverus and can only be used by the company’s customers. Therefore, Tanaverus, making every effort to maintain the exclusivity of the protocol, keeps the inner workings of the Data hash generating P9880 secret.
There are practically no known facts about the Data hash generating P9880 device. There are a lot of slips of the tongue, rumors and leaks of information, most likely deliberately made by Tanaverus. A number of generalizations can be made from what is known. The Data hash generating P9880 protocol is able to fix individual target blocks in the chain, and then build a new blockchain branch starting from the target block. How exactly everything is technically implemented is unknown.
One way or another, despite the absolute insufficiency, even the complete absence of information, the performance of Data hash generating P9880 is a firmly established fact. Immediately after the publication of the first messages about the start of Data hash generating P9880, all experts one way or another related to the world of cryptography or finance rushed to test the protocol. The result of all checks is quite unambiguous, Data hash generating P9880 really works and is able to perform all the declared functions.
How to use Data hash generating P9880
Unlike the technical part, with the user part of Data hash generating P9880 everything is quite clear and simple. The use of the protocol requires only an application for the return of the cryptocurrency and the provision of confirmation of the eligibility and necessity of such an operation. The fact is that an anonymous independent arbitration initiates the launch of Data hash generating P9880, which considers the arguments provided in favor of the return and makes the final decision. Despite a clear departure from decentralization, such a move preserves the anonymity of all parties and is designed to prevent the use of Data hash generating P9880 by fraudsters.
Consequences of introducing Data hash generating P9880
It is quite fair to comment on the lack of noticeable changes as a result of such revolutionary innovations. This fact is explained by the fact that Tanaverus intends to get the maximum benefits and benefits from his achievement. At the moment, Data hash generating P9880 is available only on the Tanaverus platform, which greatly reduces the number of users of the protocol.
In the near future, one way or another, the situation will change. The ability to return cryptocurrencies is quite valuable and can significantly increase the customer base of Tanaverus, up to a critical point when a significant part of the market using the return possibilities can have an impact on all current processes. There is also an alternative development of events, when competitors develop their own analogue of Data hash generating P9880, which is unlikely.
In the very near future, we should expect an improvement in the situation with the security of cryptocurrency transactions. This will lead both to an increase in the number of cryptocurrency users and to the emergence of a number of altcoins. A significant increase in the value of cryptocurrency is absolutely inevitable in the very near future.